(Pick A Class)

Absolute Balance

What is a Class?
A Class is a collection of Perks designed to enhance a particular playstyle or strategy.
No Class at The War Zone is objectively "better" than another Class.
Like a big game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors", the Classes have been designed to carry certain advantages and disadvantages over each other.
Classes have also been designed in a way to encourage teamwork between players.
You can't win all by yourself.
As you play games and level up, you will unlock more Classes, and with more Classes comes more Perks.
Read more to find the right Class for your playstyle.

What is a Perk?
A Perk is a player activated ability designed to enhance a particular playstyle or strategy.
Each Class comes with options for Pre-Game Perks and Mid-Game Perks
Pre-Game Perk:
Activated by the player for use before the game begins.
Mid-Game Perk:
Activated by the player for use during the game.
Also determines the player's Respawn Time.
Pre Game Perk Examples:

Tactical Insertion

Tactical Insertion- allows the player to start the game outside their team's Dugout.
(Useful for acquiring strategic positions early)
Barricade- allows the player to place an immovable barrier before the game begins
(Useful for blocking enemy access to an area)

Mid Game Perk Examples:

Stim Pack
Stim Pack- allows the player to respawn instantly rather than waiting the normal 3 second penalty.
(Useful for players who need to respawn quickly)

Helmet- allows the player to resist headshots from the jawline up.
(Usable only with the "Medieval" Class)
What is a Loadout?
A "Loadout" is what you are allowed to have equipped at one time.
This includes your blasters, class, perks, equipment, ammo carriers, and holsters.
For League Play and Squad Play there are specific restrictions that are listed below:
(Open play has much looser restrictions)
Loadout Restrictions:
1 Class
1 Primary
1 Secondary
1 Knife
2 Ammo Carriers
1 Holster
In depth on Loadouts:
Choose a class at the Simulation Station (Sim-Station) to gain access to a Pre-Game Perk and a Mid-Game Perk. Unlock more classes with new perk options by leveling up.
A “Rival“ style ammo firing blaster with an ammo capacity between 13 and 200. Cannot have automatic firing capability. Electronic single fire allowed as long as blaster cannot switch between auto and semi-auto. You are allowed to replace your primary for a secondary.
A “Rival” style ammo firing blaster with an ammo capacity between 1 and 12. Cannot have automatic firing capability. Electronic single fire allowed as long as blaster cannot switch between auto and semi-auto. Swords (melee between 1ft and 3ft) are considered a secondary.
Foam or soft rubber based melee that is 12in or less. A “Knife“ is a piece of equipment and not considered a Primary or Secondary. Any and every Loadout should include a knife.
2 Ammo Carriers:
Up to 2 forms of ammo carriers are allowed to be on your person during play. Ammo Carriers cannot exceed holding 150 rounds. Magazine Carriers cannot exceed 6 Magazines. A “Speed Loader” is a magazine. Raw Ammo is only to be carried in a “War Zone Battle Pouch”. (This keeps someone from coming in with a 55 Liter Back Pack to claim all the ammo.)
Battle Pouch + Battle Pouch
Magazine Carrier + Battle Pouch
Magazines in Carrier = 6 or less
Moderator discretion for removing play impeding magazine carriers.
1 Holster:
A ”Holster” is used to carry a blaster, melee or bow. Any player can wear a Holster and or a Single Sling.
Moderator discretion for removing play impeding holsters and slings.