The Breacher Class is a "Positionally" focused class.
Best for positionally strategic playstyles.
Capturing and maintaining positions is what this class is all about.
The Perks associated with Breacher revolve around using shields and placeable obstacles.
Breacher is primarily a "Control" Class
Tips on using Breacher while playing all 3 roles:
Impact Role- seek to capture the strategic positions that involve the objective
Control Role- capture strategic positions around the enemy's spawn to control their rate of returning to the field
Support Role- protect your teammate as they walk behind you and your shield to get across a gap
Pre Game Perks

Barricade- allows the player to place an immovable barrier before the game begins
(Must be inside team or neutral territory)
Mid Game Perks

Shield- allows the player to replace their secondary slot with a ballistic shield
Respawn Time = 4
(Shield can be worn on either arm)

Stim Pack
Stim Pack- allows the player to respawn instantly rather than waiting the normal 3 second penalty.
(Useful for players who need to respawn quickly)