We are so excited that the Demolitions Expert Class was unlocked today by Axel.
With this unlock comes a new age for “nades”.
Here’s the Rundown:
Pre-Game Perk: Mortar
Mid-Game Perk: Grenadier
Mortar- pick a zone to destroy ALL Pre-Game Perks inside
In Depth:
Pick a zone. All Pre-Game Perks inside that zone are eliminated.
Alpha Territory
Bravo Territory
Neutral Territory (Bunkers Included)
Tower Territory 1 (Center Upstairs)
Tower Territory 2 (Big Upstairs)
You are allowed to wait for the enemy team to place their Pre-Game perks to activate the Mortar.
Mortar does have friendly fire.
If you pick a zone with friendly perks inside, those are also destroyed.
(Hospital DOES protect friendly perks from this effect)
Mortar destroys:
Tactical Insertion
Other Future Perks… ;)
If opposing Mortars are used, they take effect simultaneously.
(might be handy later…)
Respawn Time (3 sec)
Allows the player to throw/launch grenades from inside their dugout.
This player can not be tagged while inside their dugout.
Player can still be called for delay of game And forced to spawn.
We hope this class adds value and variety to the game.
Guesses are that baseball pitchers and launcher fans will love this class.
What do you think will happen?
How will this affect game strategy?

BIG PATCH: Grenades are NOT restricted by number to carry.
Grenadier perk now allows the player to throw/launch grenades from inside their dugout.
Player can be called for delay of game and forced to spawn.
During Loadout Restricted Games:
Scavenging ammo or grenades while out of play is no longer allowed.
”Out” players must take a straight line to respawn.