A Primary Blaster is any Rival Blaster with an ammo capacity between 13 and 200 rounds.
For this post we will also include any that could replace your Primary, like an automatic or half dart blaster.
Some suggested nominations:
Hades (Holds 60) Slam Fire
Perses (Holds 50) Automatic
Artemis (Holds 30) Slam Fire
Prometheus (Holds 200) Automatic
Kaos (Holds 40) Automatic
CEDA (Holds 18) Half Dart
and many more…
What is your favorite Primary to run and why?
Do you ever replace your Primary for a Secondary?

My vote goes to either a Perses with an upgraded hopper (50 rounds goes fast!) or a Hades with an upgraded spring.
Whenever the Perses is working smoothly or the battery isn’t low, it’s a force to be reckoned with.
A Hades with an upgraded spring and slam fire often seems to have a big advantage in fire fights also.
Both also work super well for blocking regular rounds, but are a little clunky to move with.